Feb. 26-27, 2016 - A very productive and fun weekend.
Suzuki Cello Workshop
Epworth United Methodist Church, Durham
Leslie Alperin and Scott Walker, guest teachers
The Chapel Hill Cooperative String Project sponsored this annual event as they have done for years, and this year was again a very positive experience for all students and teachers alike.
Leslie Alperin lives in New Mexico. She taught cello many years in Chapel Hill, performed widely, and conducted the Piedmont Youth Orchestra. Scott Walker teaches cello and fiddling in Greensboro, and has a week-long “fiddling” camp in the NC mountains each summer. We are lucky to have them!
Phil Warren coordinated the workshop events, a big task dealing with 2 locations and all the classes.
Friday's event was for masterclasses, and after dinner, a short performance of cello trios by Leslie, and local teachers Phil and Jane together with selections by students from their masterclass pieces.
Saturday's events started with a rehearsal for the Vivaldi Concerto for 2 cellos, with soloists Sarah on First cello and Joe and Robert on Second cello. Other local teachers - Mary Frances Boyce (violin and cello), Yolana Murrell (violin) and Jane Salemson (cello) together with Phil and Scott, were the orchestra players in the Vivaldi conducted by Leslie. The three soloists performed the first movement at the concert at the end of the day. It was a very positive first experience for the soloists and enjoyable for everyone.
After the rehearsal, there were classes for the various levels of the Suzuki books, and pieces from these were chosen to be performed in the concert, accompanied by ensemble parts played by the teachers and advanced students.
A first for this workshop was a Cello Fiddling class at the end of the morning's activities! Scott's cello fiddle book which we used, gives all levels of players the opportunity to join in, and soon after his explanation of getting started on fiddling, we were off! Carefully going through each line of music for rhythm and bowing, each player was able to choose the part they felt most comfortable with. There was the melody, a harmony part and chord letters for a guitar or a player not yet reading music, and there was also a drone for open strings. So something for everyone. It was a fun class with everyone playing and 2 selections made for an exciting finish at the concert.
Suzuki Cello Workshop
Epworth United Methodist Church, Durham
Leslie Alperin and Scott Walker, guest teachers
The Chapel Hill Cooperative String Project sponsored this annual event as they have done for years, and this year was again a very positive experience for all students and teachers alike.
Leslie Alperin lives in New Mexico. She taught cello many years in Chapel Hill, performed widely, and conducted the Piedmont Youth Orchestra. Scott Walker teaches cello and fiddling in Greensboro, and has a week-long “fiddling” camp in the NC mountains each summer. We are lucky to have them!
Phil Warren coordinated the workshop events, a big task dealing with 2 locations and all the classes.
Friday's event was for masterclasses, and after dinner, a short performance of cello trios by Leslie, and local teachers Phil and Jane together with selections by students from their masterclass pieces.
Saturday's events started with a rehearsal for the Vivaldi Concerto for 2 cellos, with soloists Sarah on First cello and Joe and Robert on Second cello. Other local teachers - Mary Frances Boyce (violin and cello), Yolana Murrell (violin) and Jane Salemson (cello) together with Phil and Scott, were the orchestra players in the Vivaldi conducted by Leslie. The three soloists performed the first movement at the concert at the end of the day. It was a very positive first experience for the soloists and enjoyable for everyone.
After the rehearsal, there were classes for the various levels of the Suzuki books, and pieces from these were chosen to be performed in the concert, accompanied by ensemble parts played by the teachers and advanced students.
A first for this workshop was a Cello Fiddling class at the end of the morning's activities! Scott's cello fiddle book which we used, gives all levels of players the opportunity to join in, and soon after his explanation of getting started on fiddling, we were off! Carefully going through each line of music for rhythm and bowing, each player was able to choose the part they felt most comfortable with. There was the melody, a harmony part and chord letters for a guitar or a player not yet reading music, and there was also a drone for open strings. So something for everyone. It was a fun class with everyone playing and 2 selections made for an exciting finish at the concert.
Service Project by Catherine and Tian Hung
May 21, 2013 at the Carol Woods Health Center. A performance of movements from Kummer's Duos for 2 cellos. Well received by the residents. Thank you both for your dedication, time and practice to make people's day brighter through beautiful cello music.
Service Project by Catherine and Tian Hung
May 21, 2013 at the Carol Woods Health Center. A performance of movements from Kummer's Duos for 2 cellos. Well received by the residents. Thank you both for your dedication, time and practice to make people's day brighter through beautiful cello music.

On Dec. 1, 2013, my cello students performed their annual Christmas concert at the Mall, together with two violinists, Mary Fran and Aidan, and pianist Beth. The concert was to salute the Kenya Youth Orchestra cellists I was going to tutor during their residential course before their concert in Nairobi on Dec. 16th. Thanks to the generosity of my students' families, I will be taking photos and videos of the performance and useful hard-to-get supplies to the cellists in Kenya.
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To follow my adventure, visit my blog